Forschungswerkstatt Medienpädagogik

Project – Theory – Methods
The scope of media education research

"Forschungswerkstatt Medienpädagogik: Projekt – Theorie – Methode" (Media Education Research Workshop: Project – Theory – Methods) is a publication that compiles creative and innovative methods in media education research and presents them on a databank-supported open access website ( and in various printed volumes (kopaed, Munich). Thereby, the publication helps to illustrate the heterogeneous range of methods for researching questions and phenomena related to media education.

The publication

  • focuses on methods and theory,
  • discusses the limits and chances of traditional approaches versus modern methods provided by media education research,
  • and promotes an analysis of innovative and creative approaches and methods.

Simone Adams-Weggen, Carolin Baetge, Alessandro Barberi, Jasmin Bastian, Petra Bauer, Dagmar Beinzger, Angelika Beranek, Patrick Bettinger, Hannah Bolz, Anika Bonitz, Melanie Bonitz, Marion Brüggemann, Christine Dallmann, Valentin Dander, Jörg Dinkelaker, Thomas Eberle, Christoph Eisemann, Olga Engel, Felix Fischer, Katja Friedrich, Eva Fritzsche, Sonja Ganguin, Johannes Gemkow, Michaela Gläser-Zikuda, Silke Grafe, Lena Groß-Mlynek, Christian Helbig, Bardo Herzig, Susann Hofbauer, Lisa Holzer, Theo Hug, Martina Ide, Benjamin Jörissen, Anna-Maria Kamin, Susi Klaß, Rebecca Klose, Thomas Knaus, Sven Kommer, Fabian Lamba, Helge Lamm, Susanne Lang, Marc Mannig, Bianca Meise, Dorothee M. Meister, Heinz Moser, Nastasja Müller, Stephan Münte-Goussar, Tine Nowak, Horst Niesyto, Matthias Rath, Wolfgang Ruge, Amelie Ruppe, Katrin Schlör, Josefine Schmitt, Jan-Rene Schluchter, Christof Schreiber, Silke Schworm, Kamil Skiba, Dieter Spanhel, Michael Stiller, Daniela Cornelia Stix, Sarah Kristina Strehlow, Eik-Henning Tappe, Katharina Thülen, Veronika Tinnis, Klaus Peter Treumann, Gerhard Tulodziecki, Katrin Valentin, Michael Waltinger, Marion Weise, Stefan Welling, Thomas Winkler, Konstantin Wirth, Corinna Wulf u. v. m.

Call for papers Forschungswerkstatt Medienpädagogik [PDF, 303 kB]

Call for papers Forschungswerkstatt Medienpädagogik (short version) [PDF, 278 kB]


Contact person: Professor Dr Thomas Knaus
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Editors: Olga Merz, Susan Hofbauer, Thomas Knaus, Nastasja Müller

Cooperation partners:
Department of General Education Science II of Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) Erlangen-Nuremberg,
Specialist team for qualitative research at GMK,
kopaed publishers, Munich

Status: call started (Feb 2015 // double reviews of the first call (winter 2015/16) // editing of the first papers (2016) // development of the database and website (2016) // publication of the first papers on the databank (summer 2017) // publication of the first printed volume by kopaed (winter 2017/2018)

For further information, please visit:

Focus: media education