
The fraLine pilot project was founded in 2001 and extended in 2004. It continued into its third project period in September 2007. In addition to providing practical support for Frankfurt schools (cf. fraLine1 and fraLine2), fraLine3 expanded the goals and tasks of the previous project periods. These consisted largely of processing follow-up questions regarding the use of digital media in the classroom to support teaching and promote learning and the evaluation of comprehensive solutions at Frankfurt schools. These goals were designed and planned during the project period; they have since begun to be implemented. In order to continue these very extensive developmental projects and surveys, the cooperation partners agreed on a fourth project period beginning in September 2011 (cf. fraLine4).


Contact person: Professor Dr Thomas Knaus
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Status: completed (20072011) // in cooperation with the municipal education authority of the city of Frankfurt (Stadtschulamt)

For further information: cf. project report, Aug. 2011 [PDF]

Focus: educational informatics