Research and development on the institutional implementation of digital media in educational settings is an enterprise that can only succeed by taking an interdisciplinary approach and collaborating with a wide range of organizations. To achieve this goal, the FTzM team collaborates with the following partners:
Caritas Association, Frankfurt am Main
Hessian state education authority (Staatliches Schulamt) for the city of Frankfurt
Free University of Bozen (FUB) in Brixen (Bressanone) – Faculty of Education
Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU) Erlangen-Nuremberg
Association for Media Education and Communication Culture – GMK
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main – studiumdigitale (central e-learning institute)
Hessischer Rundfunk (Hesse Broadcasting Service) – Wissen und mehr (knowledge and more)
Hessian Ministry of Education and the Arts
Hessische Lehrkräfteakademie – LSA Hessen (Hesse teachers’ academy)
Institut für Informationsmanagement Bremen GmbH (Institute for Information Management) at the University of Bremen
"No Education Without Media" (Keine Bildung ohne Medien – KBoM!)
kopaed Publishers (kopaed Verlag), Munich
Medienzentrum Frankfurt e. V. (media centre Frankfurt am Main)
Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg – Abteilung Medienpädagogik (Ludwigsburg University of Education – Department of Media Education)
RWTH Aachen University – Institute of Education Sciences
Siemens AG, Frankfurt am Main
Schul-Support-Service S3 e. V. (technical support for schools), Bremen
Schul-Support-Service 3S (technical support for schools), Hamburg
Staatliches Schulamt – Hessian state education authority for the city of Frankfurt
City of Frankfurt – municipal education authority (Stadtschulamt)
City of Frankfurt – Department of Information and Communications Technology
Technische Universität Ilmenau – Institute for Media and Communication Science