fraSchulVW – Infrastructure for School Administration

The aim of the project was to develop a temporary standard infrastructure for the administration of public schools in Frankfurt. This infrastructure should incorporate the functions of existing heterogeneous IT environments for school administration and ensure compatibility for a future city-wide administrative domain based on Microsoft’s Active Directory service.

The objective of the project was to determine what hardware and software was required and how these needed to be configured. It was also important to determine the criteria and measures needed to uphold security regulations. In order to ensure the concept was sustainable and would be accepted by schools, interviews were conducted with school administrators and administrative staff at selected schools. Based on the results of these interviews, a first draught was designed. The infrastructure concept was then discussed in meetings with relevant interest groups from Frankfurt schools and subsequently tested at select school administration offices in close cooperation with the municipal education authority (Stadtschulamt). Based on the experiences gained here, a final concept was designed to meet the needs of the users and to fulfil the defined criteria for security and data protection. Finally, the infrastructure was introduced city-wide in all Frankfurt school administration offices.

This project was a precursor to the introduction of a secure and convenient IT infrastructure for school administration. It also defined processes used in the standard infrastructure that has since been introduced throughout the city.

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Contact person: Professor Dr Thomas Knaus
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The project was primarily supervised by FTzM member and Dipl.-Inf. (graduate computer scientist) (UAS) Anthony Schmelz.

Status: completed (2003–2008) // carried out as part of the fraLine2 (2004–2007) and fraLine3 (2007–2011) projects

Focus: development; educational informatics