fraLaCarte – System for Installing Software at Schools

In May 2011, FTzM developed a standard system for installing software at schools called fraLaCarte. The goal was to develop a tool that incorporated existing standards for software installation at Frankfurt schools.

An assessment of various tools used for software installation revealed that they would not be able to fulfil the necessary requirements. Therefore, a concept for an easy-to-use and flexible solution for software installation was developed as part of a student’s Bachelor’s thesis. This project was carried out in alternating phases of individual and team work.

In the initial stages of the project, the kind of IT structures Frankfurt schools would have in the future and how standardized these would be were not yet foreseeable. During the planning stage of the project, it was assumed that the installation of software would have to be carried out by teachers and the installation procedures would therefore need to be as easy-to-follow as possible. These procedures needed to be flexible enough to handle a variety of different installation scenarios and to ensure functionality regardless of other administrative mechanisms. Additional requirements included the option of distributing client configurations in addition to software installation, assigning schoolspecific configurations to universal software and configuration packages, and – at some point in the future – a "self-service interface" for IT representatives that allows them to order or effortlessly reinstall previously licensed software for the school.

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The further development of the fraLaCarte project was terminated due to the implementation of a municipal system at Frankfurt schools that included the standardized installation of software.

Results gained from the analysis of requirements for installing software at schools, i. e. the installation of a user interface for IT representatives, continue to be of importance and can be integrated in the city’s basic concept.{/collapse}


The project was supervised by Dipl.-Inf. (graduate computer scientist) (UAS) Anthony Schmelz until 2013.

Academic supervision: Professor Dr Thomas Knaus
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Status: terminated // part of the fraLine4 project (2011–2014)

For further information: cf. final report fraLine4 [PDF], p. 47–48

Focus: development