Portal for continuing education in Frankfurt

In cooperation with the Hessian state education authority (Staatliches Schulamt) for the city of Frankfurt, an Internet platform based on Joomla!, a free content management system, was designed in the summer/autumn of 2008. This platform displayed all of the media education courses that were available in Frankfurt. The continuing education portal at offered visitors an up-to-date overview and easy access to all of the media education courses offered in Frankfurt.

Registered providers could introduce themselves with a personal profile and offer seminars and training courses. Providers also had a user account for updating their own profile. This gave providers the responsibility for reviewing their content and thus ensured that the information on the platform was kept up-to-date.

An external evaluation determined that the site was often used by teachers searching for training in media education. The portal was consequently expanded in a second project period and made more user-friendly. The media center (Medienzentrum) Frankfurt is now the central agent for the Frankfurt area and offers an assortment of courses in media education. The project was therefore concluded in August 2016.

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Contact person: Professor Dr Thomas Knaus
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Development: Nikolaos Simos; Marc Mannig, BSc

Cooperation partners: Hesse Broadcasting Service (Hessische Rundfunk), Gallus Zentrum (Centre for Youth Culture and New Media), Deutsche Telekom Stiftung (corporate foundation for improving digital teaching and learning as well as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education), Goethe University, media center Frankfurt (Medienzentrum Frankfurt e. V.), media protection for youths (Präventiver Jugendschutz), Sicher dein Web (company that offers workshops, projects, and consultation for Internet safety), German Association for Information and Knowledge (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Information und Wissen e. V.), Hessian state education authority (Staatliches Schulamt) for the city of Frankfurt, Centre for Educational Technology – FTzM

Status: completed (1st phase: 2008–2009; 2nd phase: (2009–2016) // in cooperation with the Hessian state education authority (Staatliches Schulamt) for the city of Frankfurt

For further information, please visit:

Focus: educational technology; development